The Dissolving
Water is where our thoughts and emotions - our intentions - start to take form.
This name has been coming to be for a few days now, as I'm accompanying many of those journeying on the ReCreation and Hearthholding package with me from Earth into the Water. It feels like the bank is crumbling under our feet and we just need to jump in !
Water is formative, it is pre-Earth. This is where our thoughts and emotions - our intentions - start to take form. It is like being in the womb, and so not completely free of external, environmental influence either. There are ceremonies, like Sweat Lodge, that take us through this purification process of returning to the Cosmic Womb to be reborn.
This meditation is an offering to support that process and I have been guided to offer it to all.
Enjoy surrendering to the process of Dissolving.
With much love
from my Heart to yours
~ Tania Aurora White Crow ~