White Crow Alchemy

A dynamic fusion of ancient shamanic knowledge and cutting-edge quantum light energy healing

White Crow Alchemy Session

Nurturing you building bridges between all aspects of yourself. Reclaiming and restoring your innocence, purity and multidimensional self awareness.

  • Integrate and embody more of your soul and higher realm aspects. 

  • Experience a deeper sense of wholeness, broadening awareness of self across multiple dimensions. 

  • Embodying the lightness, empowerment and expansion of greater multi-dimensional wholeness.

My work is a pioneering restoration and repair-ation at the multidimensional cellular level, where it interconnects with the Quantum Field. 

Enter the magical, grounded crucible for a catalysing purification and restoration, freeing you to live deeply from your spiritual authenticity. Shift through many layers of density simultaneously, addressing non-beneficial organic and inorganic multidimensional technologies. 

We access cellular encodements, soul memories, karmic entanglements and your Akashic Records, working closely with the Karmic Board.

White Crow Alchemy is a potent blend of Ancient Shamanic intelligence with contemporary quantum light energy medicine, unique spirit-granted gifts and technologies that only those of the highest levels of purity, integrity and authenticity are entrusted to hold

These Sessions are ideal for those called or drawn to work with me  

Shift through many layers of density simultaneously, addressing non-beneficial organic and inorganic multidimensional technologies. 

Enabling a greater connection to Spirit and Higher Realm aspects of your being.

Soul Restoration, alignment and Embodiment integration. Tuning in your Lightbody to align with the current energetic and ascension changes.

Draw closer to your soul signature to align with your emerging potential and soul fulfilment in a grounded, down to earth, magical crucible that is both empowering and nurturing.

A catalysing purification and restoration freeing you to live deeply from your spiritual authenticity.

The Practicals

  • Are you dedicated to a spiritual path or path of growth ? Or maybe you are experiencing a rapid shift in consciousness, which is disorienting and confusing.
    Do you feel there is something pervasive that you can’t quite put your finger on, that holds you back and keeps you frustratingly looping in old patterns ?
    We all need some hearth and heart holding at times, to help us see what we can’t, supporting us to alchemise and move past what no longer serves us.

    If this resonates, then a White Crow Alchemy session may be for you.

  • White Crow Alchemy Sessions are online via Zoom and last 90 minutes.

  • A single Session costs £195.
    Reduced package prices available for returning clients.


Catalysing you to Freedom