
Crossing the Swelling Rivers of your life
with Hearthholding and Alchemy

Threshold Package

A three month, one to one Journey for people crossing thresholds in their life.

A Medicine Journey to navigate challenging thresholds, with the safety of a Medicine Womans guiding hand and heart. Together we unravel the past, all that’s been holding you back. Clearing the terrain for a new life map and reweave your new story.  We create more room, more freedom for your soul song to be heard.

A unique profound transformation that empowers you to become more aware of your whole self, more firmly anchored on your path. An unfolding for your authentic self to be more fully seen and heard.

What ever happens we will follow the unfolding energy. 

As HearthHolder, I walk by your side

Tending the home fire providing warmth and light for you to return to, where we share the stories you retrieve. Alchemising and dissolving all that no longer serves you.

I journey with you and walk by your side for a while. Showing you the things you may have missed. Holding you there, to account if need be. The tender, potent fertile places of the edges, the places full of potential growth and expansion.

What ever happens we will follow the unfolding energy. 

It is time !
Your Sanctuary for Alchemical Culmination

This is a Medicine Journey for navigating challenging thresholds before weaving a new map, with the safety of a Medicine Woman's guiding hand and heart.

Liberate ancient entanglements, creating the limitless weave of a new heart song.

The Practicals

  • Are you dedicated to a spiritual path or path of growth ? Or maybe you are experiencing a rapid shift in consciousness, which is disorienting and confusing.

    We all need some hearth and heart holding at times, to help us see what we can’t, supporting us to alchemise and move past what no longer serves us.

    Thresholds is for you if you just want to just get it done.

    Whether to clear something pervasive, that you can’t quite find the final pieces of the puzzle for, or for support through a major life transition and to embrace a brand new begining.

    • Initial 30 min Intention Clarity call with followup of suggested programme.

    • 4 full 90 min sessions

    • Final 30 min reflections call.

    • In Between session exercises including nature connection

    • Up to 2 hours email/message support - additional support and sessions available during the journey at a reduced rate.   

    • Maximum of 3 month programme.

  • The Threshold Package cost £1200. Payment Plans are available.

  • Sessions are usually on-line via Zoom with additional communication via email.

    In person packages may be available by request.


Catalysing you to Freedom

To once again feel the Earth's Dream for you singing through the portal of your Heart, your doorway to Freedom.