My Message for You
These are the days of no time.
We are earthing the Sacred … bringing back the recognition that we are divine beings with the responsibility that entails.
I am being called more and more to work directly with the land. My work is starting to transition so that you can also see the connection - healing yourself, heals Earth for she is our ultimate ancestor.
This is a time when many of us are being called to act as conduits between Earth - our Mother, and Spirit - our Father - as their children.
We are reconnecting Heaven and Earth within and through us. By transmuting and releasing the density or shadow aspects that we either hold in the cells of our physical bodies or that which we find in the earth - we make more room to allow in more light, more spirit. And in doing so we are in service.
This is what some call New Earth.
In Earth Dreaming work we can begin to see how the never ending spiral of fractals are reflections of us. Recently I was shown Gaia as one enormous cell containing everything … we are her and she is us … the macrocosm and the microcosm … what we do for one single cell in our body we do for her …
Everything is changing and evolving eternally. As we move through these shifts - when we pay attention - we may find a correlation between our external experience and our inner shift in consciousness, a new way of perceiving the world - and as this is becoming more apparent we can start to live life more fully in the Now.
To define what I do - to label it - isn’t really possible.
If what you see here appeals and speaks to you … then your soul is guiding you to take a closer look. Listen.
Then maybe you’ll message me … or not …
We always have a choice in every moment … to draw closer to our souls calling, to the Divine within us, or to walk a little further away because we don’t feel ready.
We’ve all been there and will be again and again … until all we can do is follow the soul as we realise that is the only true choice …
Though I could offer you a list of my experience and training, it doesn’t tell you how well I’ve utilised that, how deeply I’ve lived it, how close I am to my soul purpose and if I can support you, guide you getting closer to yours …
I could tell you about the countless encounters with spirit those uplifting into the the joys and the bliss, as well as those into the deepest hellish places,… how much I’ve transmuted and alchemised …and that every step was worth it …
but that means nothing if you feel this work is inaccessible to you.
What if I told you that it is both ordinary and extraordinary.
And you will find - like I did - that you have been walking this path and doing this work for longer than you could ever imagine.
If you are here now … you are ready.
It always begins with stopping and listening …
Over and over …
To the voice of your soul, singing through your heart.
with much Love
from my Heart to yours,
~ Tania Aurora White Crow ~